You know what’s better than regular Jiu Jitsu? Jiu Jitsu with a party atmosphere. And that’s exactly what we’re doing to break in our shiny new academy. Think of it like housewarming, but with rolling and seminars. We’ve lined up a killer weekend of seminars and open mats featuring our awesome instructors from December 5th […]
Creating Escapology 2.0 // Episode #2
Creating Escapology 2.0 is a behind the scenes look at the journey Tom & Chelsea have been on from arriving in Cambridge in 2017. From starting with nothing to building one of the most successful schools in the area to building out their new location, it’s been an incredible ride and it’s only going to […]
Creating Escapology 2.0 – Episode #1
As you might have heard, Escapology BJJ is moving to a bigger and better location. This is something Chels and Tom have been dreaming about this since they moved to Cambridge in 2017. The new space will allow us to create an even better training environment and have a larger impact on the community. And we’ve […]
Building Positive Motivation Systems
Did you know there are two types of motivation, but only one has been shown to have long term benefits? Motivation is often portrayed as the carrot and a stick, but in reality, carrots and sticks are the weakest long-term motivators because they are external to the individual, or extrinsic. Extrinsic motivators are powerful in […]
Cultivating Effort Through BJJ
Research consistently shows that cultivating a strong work ethic and perseverance in children leads to a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond the classroom. Typically, kids who develop a strong work ethic and understand the importance of effort have a higher levels of self-esteem and life satisfaction, and are more likely to achieve their […]